Our Story

We are a small group of ordinary men and women who seek to answer the extraordinary calling to be "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19) while living upright and holy lives through Christ's example and the Spirit's power. As part of the mission, we strive for diversity in our church by "making disciples of all nations" (Matt 28:19). Our church is comprised of people from a variety of backgrounds, ethnic groups, and walks of life who are united by the cross and our overwhelming need for God's grace. Our purpose is to love one another deeply just as Jesus loved us (Jn 13:34-35). This is evidenced by the authentic relationships we have with one another - relationships that go beyond Sunday morning. We meet together often to enjoy fellowship, encourage one another, reach out to others, and share our lives through hospitality (Act 2:42-47).

Our Staff

David Lawrence

Senior Pastor

David is our Senior Pastor who has been with us for 35 years! Pastor David absolutely loves our church people, and has dedicated his life to helping them grow, and that is evident through each of his sermons.

Brittany Hatfield

Children's Ministry Leader

Brittany is our Children's ministry leader, and has been doing a wonderful job for 10 years! She also handles AV and graphics for the church.

Scott Halsted

Men's Ministry Leader

Scott is our Men's ministry leader, and also in charge of Sunday School classes, visitation, and church vehicles! Scott loves meeting new people, and chances are, if you've visited our church, he was likely one of the first people to welcome you!